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70569 Stuttgart
Raum: 8.558
Mittwochs 16-17 Uhr.
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Profillinie Analysis /Mathematische Physik
Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten in mathematischer Quantenmechanik
Interview: Prof. Griesemer, was ist Mathematische Quantenmechanik?
- Spectral and Dynamical Properties of many body Quantum Systems
- Quantum Field Theory
- Applied Analysis
- Operator Theory
A. Articles in refereed journals
38. | Griesemer, M., Hofacker, M. On the weakness of short-range interactions in Fermi gases. Lett. Math. Phys. 113 (2023) no. 1. |
37. | Griesemer, M.; Hofacker, M.: From short-range to contact interactions in two-dimensional many-body quantum systems. Ann. Henri Poincaré 23 (2022), no. 8, 2769–2818 |
36. | Griesemer, M.: Ground states of atoms and molecules in non-relativistic QED, The physics and mathematics of Elliott Lieb. The 90th anniversary. Volume I, 2022, European Mathematical Society. |
35. | Griesemer, M., Hofacker, M., Linden, U.: From short-range to contact interactions in the 1d Bose gas. Math. Phys. Anal. Geom. 23 (2020), no. 2, Paper No. 19, 28 pp. |
34. | Griesemer, M., Linden, U.: Spectral theory of the Fermi polaron. Ann. Henri Poincaré, 20 (2019), no. 6, 1931–1967. |
33. | Griesemer, M., Linden, U.: Stability of the two-dimensional Fermi polaron. Lett. Math. Phys. 108 (2018), no. 8, 1837-1849. |
32. | Griesemer, M., Wünsch A.: On the Domain of the Nelson Hamiltonian. J. Math. Phys. 59 (2018), no. 4, 042111, 21pp. |
31. | Griesemer, M.: On the dynamics of polarons in the strong coupling limit. Rev. Math. Phys. 29, no. 10 (2017) |
30. | Griesemer, M., Schmid, J., Schneider, G.: On the dynamics of the mean-field polaron in the high-frequency limit. Lett. Math. Phys. 107, no. 10, 1809-1821 (2017) |
29. | Schmid, J., Griesemer, M.: Well-posedness of non-autonomous linear evolution equations in uniformly convex spaces. Math. Nachr.(2016) |
28. | Griesemer, M., Wünsch A.: Self-adjointness and domain of the Fröhlich Hamiltonian. J. Math. Phys. , 57 (2016) |
27. | De Roeck W., Griesemer, M., Kupiainen A.: Asymptotic Completeness for the Massive Spin-Boson Model. Adv. Math., 268 (2015), 62 -- 84. |
26. | Schmid, J., Griesemer, M.: Kato's Theorem on the Integration of Non-Autonomous Linear Evolution Equations. Math. Phys. Anal. Geom., 17 (2014), no. 3-4, 265�271. |
25. | Anapolitanos, I., Griesemer, M.: Multipolarons in Constant Magnetic Fields. Ann. Henri Poincar�, 15 (2014) 1037--1059. |
24. | Griesemer, M., Wellig, D.: The strong-coupling polaron in static electric and magnetic fields. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 46 (2013) 425202. |
23. | Griesemer, M., Hantsch, F., Wellig, D.: On the Magnetic Pekar Functional and the Existence of Bipolarons. Rev. Math. Phys. 24, (2012) |
22. | Griesemer, M., Hantsch, F.: Unique Solutions to Hartree-Fock Equations for Closed Shell Atoms. ARMA 203, 883--900 (2012) |
21. | Fröhlich, J., Griesemer, M., Sigal, M.I.: Spectral Renormalization Group and Local Decay in the Standard Model of the Non-relativistic Quantum Electrodynamics. Rev. Math. Phys. 23, 179--209 (2011) |
20. | Griesemer, M., Zenk, H.: On the Atomic Photoeffect in Non-relativistic QED. Comm. Math. Phys. 300, 615--639 (2010) |
19. | Griesemer, M., Moeller, J.: Bounds on the Minimal Energy of Translation Invariant N-Polaron Systems. Comm. Math. Phys. 297, 283--297 (2010) |
18. | Fröhlich, J., Griesemer, M., Sigal, M.I.: On Spectral Renormalization Group. Rev. Math. Phys. 21 (2009), no. 4, 511--548. |
17. | Griesemer M., Hasler, D.: Analytic Perturbation Theory and Renormalization Analysis of Matter Coupled to Quantized Radiation. Ann. Henri Poincare 10 (2009), no. 3, 577--621. 2009 AHP Distinguished Paper Award |
16. | Griesemer M., Zenk H.: Asymptotic Electromagnetic Fields in Non-relativistic QED: the Problem of Existence Revisited. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 354 (2009) 239 - 246. |
15. | Griesemer M., Hasler D.: On the Smooth Feshbach-Schur Map. J. Funct. Anal., 254 (2008) 2329 - 2335. |
14. | Fröhlich, J., Griesemer, M., Sigal, M.I.: Spectral Theory for the Standard Model of Non-Relativistic QED. Commun. Math. Phys. 283 (2008) 613 - 646. |
13. | Fröhlich, J., Griesemer, M., Schlein, B.: Rayleigh Scattering at Atoms with Dynamical Nuclei. Commun. Math. Phys. 271, 387–430 (2007). |
12. | Fröhlich, J., Griesemer, M., Schlein, B.: Asymptotic Completeness for Compton Scattering. Commun. Math. Phys. 252, 415–476 (2004). |
11. | Griesemer, M.: Exponential decay and ionization thresholds in non-relativistic quantum electrodynamics. J. Funct. Anal., 210 (2004) 321–340. |
10. | Fröhlich, J., Griesemer, M., Schlein, B.: Asymptotic Completeness for Rayleigh Scattering. Ann. Henri Poincare, 3 (2002), no. 1, 107–170. |
9. | Fröhlich, J., Griesemer, M., Schlein, B.: Asymptotic Electromagnetic Fields in Models of Quantum-Mechanical Matter Interacting with the Quantized Radiation Field. Adv. Math. 164, No.2, 349–398 (2001). |
8. | Griesemer, M., Lieb, E., Loss, M.: Ground states in non-relativistic quantum electrodynamics. Invent. math. 145 (2001) 3, 557–595. |
7. | Griesemer, M., Kapuya, J.P.: Bounding Derivatives of Alternating Power Series. Alabama Journal of Mathematics 25, Number 1 (2001), 17–22. |
6. | Griesemer, M., Lewis, R.T., Siedentop, H.: A minimax principle for eigenvalues in spectral gaps: Dirac operators with Coulomb potentials. Documenta Math. 4 (1999) 275–283. |
5. | Griesemer, M., Tix, C.: Instability of a pseudo-relativistic model of matter with self-generated magnetic field. J. Math. Phys., vol. 40, 4, 1780–1791 (1999). |
4. | Griesemer, M., Lutgen, J.: Accumulation of discrete eigenvalues of the radial Dirac operator. J. Functional Analysis, 162, 120–134 (1999). |
3. | Griesemer, M., Siedentop, H.: A minimax principle for the eigenvalues in spectral gaps. J. London Math. Soc., (2) 60 (1999) 490–500. |
2. | Griesemer, M.: N-body quantum systems with singular potentials. Ann. Inst. Henri Poincare, physique theorique, Vol. 69, no 2, 1998, p. 135–187. PDF |
1. | Griesemer, M.: Exponential bounds for continuum eigenfunctions of N-body Schrödinger operator. Helv. Phys. Acta 70 (1997) 854–857. PDF |
B. Proceeding articles
1. | Griesemer, M.: A minimax principle for eigenvalues in spectral gaps. In: Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Vol. 16. (proceedings of the UAB-GIT ICDEMP 1999). |
2. | Griesemer, M.: Non-relativistic Matter and Quantized Radiation. In: Lecture Notes in Physics, 695/2006. springerlink |
Betreung Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten
WiSe 2024/2025 | Analysis 3 |
SoSe 2024 | Analysis 2 |
WiSe 2023/2024 | Analysis 1 |
SoSe 2023 | Spektraltheorie |
WiSe 2022/2023 | Funktionalanalysis |
SoSe 2022 | Funktionenräume |
WiSe 2021/2022 | HM III für El., Phys., Kyb., Mecha. Stochastik und Angewandte Mathematik für das Lehramt |
SoSe 2021 | HM II für El., Phys., Kyb., Mecha. |
WiSe 2020/21 | HM I für El., Phys., Kyb., Mecha. |
SoSe 2020 | Spectral Theory |
WiSe 2019/20 | Stochastik für das Lehramt, Funktionalanalysis |
WiSe 2018/19 | Höhere Mathematik 3 für el, kyb, mecha, phys |
SoSe 2018 | Mathematische Methoden der Quantenmechanik |
WiSe 2017/18 | Spectral Theory |
SoSe 2017 | Höhere Analysis |
WiSe 2016/17 | Analysis 3 |
SoSe 2016 | Analysis 2 |
WiSe 2015/16 | Analysis 1 |
SoSe 2015 | Funktionenräume |
SoSe 2014 | Mathematische Methoden der Quantenmechanik |
WiSe 2013/14 | Spektraltheorie |
SoSe 2013 | Vielteilchenquantensysteme |
WiSe 2012/13 | Mathematische Methoden der Quantenmechanik |
SoSe 2012 | Analysis II |
WiSe 2011/12 | Analysis I |
SoSe 2011 | HM IV für El., Phys., Kyb., Mecha. |
SoSe 2010 | Mathematische Methoden der Quantenmechanik HM IV für El., Phys., Kyb., Mecha. |
WiSe 2009/10 | HM III für El., Phys., Kyb., Mecha. |
SoSe 2009 | HM II für El., Phys., Kyb., Mecha |
WiSe 2008/09 | HM I für El., Phys., Kyb., Mecha. |
SoSe 2008 | Differentialgeometrie Mathematische Methoden der Quantenmechanik II |
WiSe 2007/08 | Mathematische Methoden der Quantenmechanik I |
SoSe 2007 | Funktionalanalysis |
WiSe 2006/07 | Analysis III |
SoSe 2006 | Analysis II |
WiSe 2005/06 | Analysis I |
SoSe 2005 | Höhere Analysis |
SoSe 2023 | Masterseminar Funktionalanalysis |
WiSe 2022/2023 | Masterseminar Analysis und Quantenmechanik |
SoSe 2020 | Funktionalkalkül |
WiSe 2012/13 | Kompakte Operatoren |
SoSe 2011 | Spektraltheorie und Quantenmechanik |
WiSe 2007/08 | Kompakte Operatoren |
SoSe 2007 | Kurven und Flächen |
WiSe 2006/07 | Analysis und klassische Mechanik |
SoSe 2006 | Ausgewählte Kapitel der Mathematischen Quantenphysik |
WiSe 2005/06 | Ungleichungen und Variationsmethoden der Quantenmechanik |
Mathematische Probleme der nichtrelativistischen Quantenelektrodynamik (DFG-Projekt GR 3213/4-1)
Spectrum and Dynamics of Quantum Systems (DFG GRK 1838)
electron-phonon interaction in solids (DFG Projekt GR 3213/1-1)
Dynamics of matter and quantized radiation (US NSF, DMS-0503432)
- Quantum mechanical matter interacting with the quantized radiation field (US NSF,DMS-0100160
- Stability and instability of pseudo-relativistic matter (Swiss National Science Foundation)
- Dr. Michael Hofacker (2017-2022)
- Dr. Ulrich Linden (2013-2017)
- Dr. Andreas Wünsch (2013-2017)
- Dipl. Math. Sebastian Stegmüller (2014-2016)
- Dr. Jochen Schmid (2011-2015)
- Dr. David Wellig (2009-2013)
- Dr. Fabian Hantsch (2008-2012)
- Dr. David Mitrouskas (2016-2019)
- Dr. Martin Könenberg (2016)
- Matthias Engelmann, Ph.D. (2014-2015)
- Ioannis Anapolitanos, Ph.D. (2010-2013)
- Joachim Kerner, Ph.D. (2013-2014)
1996 | Doctor of Natural Sciences, ETH Zürich, Switzerland. Advisor: Walter Hunziker |
1992 | Diploma in Physics from ETH Zürich |
Professional Positions
Since 2005 | Professor at the Universität Stuttgart, Germany |
2004–2005 | Associate Professor at UAB – University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA |
1998–2004 | Assistant Professor at UAB – University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA |
1997–1998 | Assistant at the University of Regensburg, Germany |
1997 | Research Fellow at the University of Oslo, Norway (three months), and the University of Regensburg |
1992–1997 | Assistant at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at ETH, Zürich |
Grant Support
2013–2018 | DFG Graduiertenkolleg, GRK 1838 |
2011–2014 | DFG Sachbeihilfe, GR 3213/1-1 |
2010–2011 | MWK Anschubfinanzierung für Graduiertenkolleg |
2005–2008 | NSF, DMS-0503432, PI |
2001–2004 | NSF, DMS-0100160, PI |
1999–2000 | Award from the UAB Faculty Development Program |
1997–1998 | Fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation |