Das Institut ist am Stuttgarter Exzellenz-Cluster "Simulation Technology und am Sonderforschungsprojekt SFB 1173 "Wave phenomena"am KIT Karlsruhe beteiligt.
Prof. TeknD T. Weidl zbMATH |
Spektraltheorie, mathematische Physik |
Prof. Dr. G. Schneider zbMATH |
Nichtlineare partielle Differentialgleichungen, diffusive und dispersive Dynamik, Multiskalenprobleme in der mathematischen Modellierung Projekte:
Prof. Dr. M. Griesemer zbMATH |
Dynamik von Quantensystemen, Spektraltheorie nichtrelativistischer Vielteilchenquantensysteme, Variationsmethoden der Quantenmechanik Projects:
Nichtlineare partielle Differentialgleichungen Projekt: |
Prof. Dr. W.-P. Düll zbMATH |
Nichtlineare partielle Differentialgleichungen, mathematische Fluidmechanik, Rechtfertigung von Approximationsgleichungen, Multiskalenprobleme in der mathematischen Modellierung Projekt: |
Prof. Dr. J. Wirth zbMATH |
Analysis partieller Differentialgleichungen, Operatortheorie, harmonische Analysis im Rn und auf Liegruppen |
Partielle Differentialgleichungen, Spektraltheorie für selbstadjungierte Operatoren, Resonanzphänomene und Abklingverhalten bei Wellengleichungen in unbeschränkten Gebieten, Energieabschätzungen für Lösungen nichtlinearer Wellengleichungen |
Datum | Titel | Name |
2024 | Singular limits in KGZ systems and the DNLS approximation in case of quadratic nonlinearities | Raphael Taraca |
2024 | Long wave approximation over and beyond the natural time scale | Sarah Hofbauer |
2023 | On the uniqueness of the Calderón Problem and its application in Electrical Impedance Tomography | Ivan Mira Pombo |
2023 | Existence and non-existence of breather solutions on necklace graphs | Tobias Kielwein |
2022 | Mathematische Modellierung von wellenoptischer Absorption beim Laserschneiden | Maximilian Klumpp |
2022 | On two Problems for the Stark Laplacian on domains | Jan Köllner |
2022 | From Short-Range to Contact Interactions in Many-Body Quantum Systems | Michael Hofacker |
2022 | Quantization of Algebras Defined by Ultradifferentiable Group Actions | Jonas Brinker |
2021 | Absence of the Efimov Effect in Dimensions One and Two | Simon Barth |
2021 | Invasion phenomena in pattern-forming systems admitting a conservation law structure | Bastian Hilder |
2020 | Virtual Levels of Multi-Particle Quantum Systems and Their Implications for the Efimov Effect | Andreas Bitter |
2020 | On the Eigenvalues of the Non-Self-Adjoint Robin Laplacian on Bounded Domains and Compact Quantum Graphs | Robin Lang |
2019 | Validity of the nonlinear Schrödinger approximation for quasilinear dispersive systems | Max Heß |
2019 | Nonlinear phenomena on metric and discrete necklace graphs | Daniela Maier |
2019 | Amplitude Equations for Boussinesq and Ginzburg-Landau-like Models | Tobias Haas |
2017 | Effective Equations in Mathematical Quantum Mechanics | Steffen Gilg |
2017 | WEB-Spline Approximation and Collocation for Singular and Time-Dependent Problems | Florian Martin |
2017 | Energy estimates for the two-dimensional Fermi polaron | Ulrich Linden |
2017 | Self-Adjointness and Domain of a Class of Generalized Nelson Models | Andreas Wünsch |
2017 | Spectral and Hardy Inequalities for the Heisenberg Laplacian | Bartosch Ruszkowski |
2016 | Failure of Amplitude Equations | Danish Ali Sunny |
2016 | The KdV and Whitham limit for a spatially periodic Boussinesq model | Roman Bauer |
2015 | Adiabatic theorems for general linear operators and wellposedness of linear evolution equations | Jochen Schmid |
2015 | Singular problems in quantum and elastic waveguides via Dirichlet-to-Neumann analysis | André Hänel |
2014 | The validity of the Nonlinear Schrödinger approximation in higher space dimensions | Alina Hermann |
2014 | Justification of an approximation equation for the Benard-Marangoni problem | Dominik Zimmermann |
2013 | Mathematical modeling and numerical simulations of the extrinsic pro-apoptotic signaling pathway | Markus Daub |
Datum | Titel | Name |
2017 | On the behaviour of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Laplacian and related operators | James Kennedy |
2012 |
Decoupling techniques for partial differential equations and the large time behavior of their solutions |
Jens Wirth |
2011 |
Justification of Approximation Equations for Pattern Forming Systems and for Water Waves |
Wolf-Patrick Düll |
2008 |
Spectral properties of Schrödinger operators |
Hynek Kovarik |
2006 |
Concentrated patterns in biological systems |
Matthias Winter |