Contact and directions

Chair for Analysis and Mathematical Physics

How to get to our institute.

Our Address

University of Stuttgart
Institute of Analysis, Dynamics and Modeling (IADM)
Pfaffenwaldring 57 (NWZ II)
70569 Stuttgart
Driveway to Pfaffenwaldring 57 (building on the right)
Driveway to Pfaffenwaldring 57 (building on the right)


By car

Since 1 January 2019, all diesel engine vehicles rated with Euro 4 emissions standard and lower have been prohibited from entering the Stuttgart environmental zone. Diesel cars rated with Euro 5 emissions standard are currently exempt from that ban. Please note the reference to the environmental zone and the diesel traffic ban (German language).

Coming from Stuttgart South/Center take the B14 towards Böblingen/Airport Messe/S-Vaihingen. Then take the exit to S-Vaih.-West. After about 800m on the Universitätsstraße turn right onto the Pfaffenwaldring. You will see our building (driveway 55, 57 and 59) on the right.

From Heilbronn, Sindelfingen or Munich, take the BAB 831 towards Stadtmitte Stuttgart at the Stuttgart interchange. The road you are on is now part of the B14. Take the exit "Universität " and turn left onto the Universitätsstraße. Turn right onto the Pfaffenwaldring after about 800m. You will see our building (driveway 55, 57 and 59) on the right.


Graphic map

By train

The most advisable way to reach us is the 11-minute S-Bahn trip coming from Stuttgart Central Station. You need a 1-zone VVS ticket (Zone 1). Use the S1, S2 or S3 lines to the stop "University " and follow the instructions for the exit "University Center ." 

The escalators take you up to the centre of the campus. You can see the university library to your left. After about 50 meters you pass the building pillars of the Natural Science Center (NWZ) and use one of the entrances of Pfaffenwaldring 57. 



VVS chart (public transport network)

By plane

The international abbreviation for Stuttgart Airport is STR. After landing and baggage claim, follow the S-Bahn symbols (a white S on a green circle) to the platforms. You need a 2-zone VVS ticket (Zone  2 and 1). Use the S2 and S3 lines to the stop "University " and follow the instructions for the exit "Universitätszentrum". 

The escalators take you up to the centre of the campus. You can see the university library to your left. After about 50 meters you pass the building pillars of the Natural Science Center (NWZ) and use one of the entrances of Pfaffenwaldring 57. 



From the Airport to the University

So finden Sie uns


This image shows Timo Weidl

Timo Weidl

Prof. Dr.

Professor - Chair for Analysis and Mathematical Physics

[Image: Robin Lang, 2018]

This image shows Elke Peter

Elke Peter


Administration Office - Chair for Analysis and Mathematical Physics

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