Students and researchers are welcome to the talks.
Since summer term 2022, the seminar is jointly organized by the Chair of Analysis and Modeling and the Research Group of Differential Equations.
Jun.-Prof. Christina Lienstromberg
Prof. Guido Schneider
Prof. Wolf-Patrick Düll
Summer Term 2024
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
19.07.2024 10:00 |
8.526 | Alexander Meiners (Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg) Differential geometric bifurcation problems in pde2path Abstract |
17.05.2024 10:00 |
8.526 | Robert Wegner M.Sc. (KIT Karlsruhe) Well-posedness and long-wave KdV approxmiation of hydrodynamic Gross-Pitaevskii equations Abstract |
03.05.2024 10:00 |
8.526 | Dr. Bastian Hilder (TU München) Pattern formation and film rupture in thermocapillary thin-films Abstract |
Winter Term 2023/2024
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
15.12.2023 10:00 |
8.526 | Prof. Guido Schneider (Universität Stuttgart) On the validity of the Ginzburg-Landau approximation - some open problems |
01.12.2023 10:00 |
8.526 | Raphael Taraca M.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) The DNLS approximation in case of quadratic nonlinearities |
17.11.2023 10:00 |
8.526 | Luis Österle B.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) Validity of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Approximation for a One-dimensional Quasiliear Dispersive equation with Periodic Coefficients Abstract |
03.11.2023 10:00 |
8.526 | Olivia Cannon M.Sc. (University of Minnesota) Shifting clusters in social dynamics: a nonlocal approach Abstract |
Talks and guest lecutres - Summer Term 2023
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
14.07.2023 10:30 |
8.526 | Dr. Sam Jelbert (TU München) Formal Modulation Theory for Dynamic Bifurcations in PDEs Abstract |
30.06.2023 10:30 |
8.526 | Prof. Dmitry Pelinovsky (McMaster University) Singular nonlinear waves in mathematical models of nonlinear optics Abstract |
23.06.2023 10:30 |
8.526 | Prof. Christopher Chong (Bowdoin College) Dynamics of time-modulated, nonlinear phononic lattices Abstract |
16.06.2023 10:15 |
8.526 | Adrian Schoch B.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) A justification of the lubrication approximation for thin-film flows |
02.06.2023 10:30 |
8.526 | Prof. C. Eugene Wayne (Boston University) Breathers and the Implicit Function Theorem Abstract |
08.05.2023 11:30 |
4.331 | Lorenzo Carfora B.Sc. (University of Strathclyde und Universität Stuttgart) On the validity of the Nonlinear Schrödinger approximation with applications to relativistic Bose-Einstein Condensation Abstract |
05.05.2023 10:30 |
8.526 | Dr. Stefan Schiffer (Max-Planck-Institut Leipzig) A variational approach to the (non-newtonian) Navier-Stokes equations Abstract |
Talks and guest lecutres - Winter Term 2022/2023
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
03.02.2023 10:15 |
8.526 | Dr. Jonas Jansen (Lund University) The gradient-flow structure of non-Newtonian thin-film equations Abstract TBA |
27.01.2023 10:15 |
8.526 | Dr. Katerina Nik (Universität Wien) Some variational problem in morphoelasticity Abstract |
11.01.2023 11:30 |
8.256 |
Dr. Gabriele Brüll (Lund University) |
16.12.2022 10:15 |
8.526 | Prof. Ioannis Giannoulis (University of Ioannina) Interaction of modulated gravity water waves of finite depth Abstract |
02.12.2022 10:15 |
8.526 | Dr. Richard Schubert (Universität Bonn) An L^1 based approach to optimal relaxation of gradient flows: bump-like solutions of the 1-D Cahn-Hilliard equation Abstract |
04.11.2022 10:15 |
8.526 | Dr. Anna Logioti (Universität Stuttgart) A non-local free boundary problem arising in a model of cell polarization |
21.10.2022 10:15 |
8.526 | Aleksandar Arsenijevic M. Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) Justification of the Ginzburg-Landau equation in the case of conservation laws |
Talks and guest lecutres - Summer Term 2022
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
15.07.2022 10:00 |
Webex |
Dr. Roberto Feola (Università Degli Studi Roma Tre) |
01.07.2022 10:00 |
Webex |
Daniel Tietz M.Sc. (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg) |
28.06.2022 | 8.526 |
Dr. Matthias Winter (Brunel University London) |
23.06.2022 10:00 |
8.526 |
Sarah Hofbauer M.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) |
02.06.2022 10:00 |
8.526 |
Raphael Taraca M.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) |
20.05.2022 10:45 |
Webex |
Dr. Richard Schubert (Universität Bonn) |