Research topics at the Chair for Analysis and Modeling
The research at our chair focuses on nonlinear partial differential equations, which play a fundamental role in the description of natural processes and are used to formulate almost all phenomena in theoretical physics.
- Research themes at our chair include:
- Models for the water wave problem
- Nonlinear optics models
- Universal behavior in pattern formation processes
- Instabilities of free surface problems
- Diffusive behavior
- Bifurcation theory in the case of discrete and continuous spectrum
Head of the research group is Prof. Dr. Guido Schneider.
The research group is affliated with the excellence-cluster Simulation Technology (SimTech) at the University of Stuttgart and with the SFB 1173 "Wave phenomena: analysis and numerics at the KIT Karlsruhe.

Guido Schneider
Prof. Dr.Professor - Chair for Analysis and Modeling

Katja Stefanie Engstler
Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (FH)Administration Office - IADM and Chair for Analysis and Modeling