Summer Term 2024
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
19.07.2024 10:00 |
8.526 | Alexander Meiners (Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg) Differential geometric bifurcation problems in pde2path Abstract |
17.05.2024 10:00 |
8.526 | Robert Wegner M.Sc. (KIT Karlsruhe) Well-posedness and long-wave KdV approxmiation of hydrodynamic Gross-Pitaevskii equations Abstract |
03.05.2024 10:00 |
8.526 | Dr. Bastian Hilder (TU München) Pattern formation and film rupture in thermocapillary thin-films Abstract |
Winter Term 2023/2024
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
15.12.2023 10:00 |
8.526 | Prof. Guido Schneider (Universität Stuttgart) On the validity of the Ginzburg-Landau approximation - some open problems |
01.12.2023 10:00 |
8.526 | Raphael Taraca M.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) The DNLS approximation in case of quadratic nonlinearities |
17.11.2023 10:00 |
8.526 | Luis Österle B.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) Validity of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Approximation for a One-dimensional Quasiliear Dispersive equation with Periodic Coefficients Abstract |
03.11.2023 10:00 |
8.526 | Olivia Cannon M.Sc. (University of Minnesota) Shifting clusters in social dynamics: a nonlocal approach Abstract |
Talks and guest lecutres - Summer Term 2023
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
14.07.2023 10:30 |
8.526 | Dr. Sam Jelbert (TU München) Formal Modulation Theory for Dynamic Bifurcations in PDEs Abstract |
30.06.2023 10:30 |
8.526 | Prof. Dmitry Pelinovsky (McMaster University) Singular nonlinear waves in mathematical models of nonlinear optics Abstract |
23.06.2023 10:30 |
8.526 | Prof. Christopher Chong (Bowdoin College) Dynamics of time-modulated, nonlinear phononic lattices Abstract |
16.06.2023 10:15 |
8.526 | Adrian Schoch B.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) A justification of the lubrication approximation for thin-film flows |
02.06.2023 10:30 |
8.526 | Prof. C. Eugene Wayne (Boston University) Breathers and the Implicit Function Theorem Abstract |
08.05.2023 11:30 |
4.331 | Lorenzo Carfora B.Sc. (University of Strathclyde und Universität Stuttgart) On the validity of the Nonlinear Schrödinger approximation with applications to relativistic Bose-Einstein Condensation Abstract |
05.05.2023 10:30 |
8.526 | Dr. Stefan Schiffer (Max-Planck-Institut Leipzig) A variational approach to the (non-newtonian) Navier-Stokes equations Abstract |
Talks and guest lecutres - Winter Term 2022/2023
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
03.02.2023 10:15 |
8.526 | Dr. Jonas Jansen (Lund University) The gradient-flow structure of non-Newtonian thin-film equations Abstract TBA |
27.01.2023 10:15 |
8.526 | Dr. Katerina Nik (Universität Wien) Some variational problem in morphoelasticity Abstract |
11.01.2023 11:30 |
8.256 |
Dr. Gabriele Brüll (Lund University) |
16.12.2022 10:15 |
8.526 | Prof. Ioannis Giannoulis (University of Ioannina) Interaction of modulated gravity water waves of finite depth Abstract |
02.12.2022 10:15 |
8.526 | Dr. Richard Schubert (Universität Bonn) An L^1 based approach to optimal relaxation of gradient flows: bump-like solutions of the 1-D Cahn-Hilliard equation Abstract |
04.11.2022 10:15 |
8.526 | Dr. Anna Logioti (Universität Stuttgart) A non-local free boundary problem arising in a model of cell polarization |
21.10.2022 10:15 |
8.526 | Aleksandar Arsenijevic M. Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) Justification of the Ginzburg-Landau equation in the case of conservation laws |
Talks and guest lecutres - Summer Term 2022
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
15.07.2022 10:00 |
Webex |
Dr. Roberto Feola (Università Degli Studi Roma Tre) |
01.07.2022 10:00 |
Webex |
Daniel Tietz M.Sc. (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg) |
28.06.2022 | 8.526 |
Dr. Matthias Winter (Brunel University London) |
23.06.2022 10:00 |
8.526 |
Sarah Hofbauer M.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) |
02.06.2022 10:00 |
8.526 |
Raphael Taraca M.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) |
20.05.2022 10:45 |
Webex |
Dr. Richard Schubert (Universität Bonn) |
Talks and guest lectures - previous years
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
21.01.2022 10:45 Uhr |
Webex |
Dr. Max Heß (Universität Stuttgart) |
14.01.2022 11 Uhr |
Webex |
Prof. Guido Schneider (Universität Stuttgart) |
10.12.2021 11 Uhr |
Webex |
Prof. Guido Schneider (Universität Stuttgart) |
03.12.2021 10:30 |
Webex |
Prof. Guido Schneider (Universität Stuttgart) |
22.11.2021 16:30 |
Webex |
Dr. Nikolay Hristov (McMaster University Ontario) |
12.11.2021 10:30 |
8.526 |
Franz Schewe M.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) |
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
16.09.2021 | Webex | Dr. Ruoci Sun (KIT Karsruhe) Complete integrability of the Benjamin–Ono equation on the multi-soliton manifold |
08.07.2021 16:00 |
Webex | Dr. Milen Ivanov (Brown University, Rhode Island ) Truncation of Contact Defects in Reaction-Diffusion Systems Abstact |
01.07.2021 10:45 |
Webex | Tobias Kielwein (Universität Stuttgart) Dispersive estimates on discrete periodic graphs |
24.06.2021 9:00 |
Webex | Prof. Anthony Roberts (University of Adelaide) Macroscale, slowly varying, models emerge from the microscale dynamics in long thin domains Abstract |
17.06.2021 16:00 |
Webex | Joshua McGinnis (Drexel University Philadelphia) Using Random Walks to Establish Wavelike Behavior in an FPUT System with Random Coefficients Abstract |
10.06.2021 10:45 |
Webex | Maximilan Klumpp (Universität Stuttgart) Mathematische Modellierung des Laserschneidens |
20.05.2021 10:45 |
Webex | Raphael Taraca M.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) Rechtfertigung der KdV-Approximation für periodische Quantengraphen |
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
29.03.2021 10:30 |
Webex |
Bastian Hilder M.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) |
04.3.2021 10:30 |
Webex | Dr. Eric Siero (University of Utrecht) Linking critical transitions in spatial systems to Busse balloon morphology: A case study of dryland vegetation patterns Abstract |
26.11.2020 10:30 |
Webex | Louis Garenaux M.Sc. (Université Paul Sabatier / Toulouse) Spectral stability and singular perturbation Abstract |
19.11.2020 16:00 |
Webex | Wesley Perkins M.Sc. (University of Kansas) Uniform Stability to Subharmonic Pertubations Abstract |
05.11..2020 10:30 |
Webex | PD Dr. Rainer Mandel (KIT Karlsruhe) Variational methods for breather solutions of Nonlinear Wave Equations Abstract |
Date | Room | Spearker/Title |
09.09.2020 14:00 |
8.122 | Dr. Matthias Winter (Brunel University London) Pattern Formation for the Gierer-Meinhardt System Abstract |
21.07.2020 10:30 |
WebEx | Dr. Giulio Romani (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg) Bifurcations in Schrödinger "doubly" nonlinear eigenvalue problems and an application to a time-harmonic Maxwell's equation Abstract |
16.07.2020 10:30 |
WebEx | Dr Anna Kostianko (University of Surrey) Validity of the Hyperbolic Whitham Modulation equations in Sobolev Spaces Abstarct |
18.06.2020 16:00 |
WebEx | Montie Avery (University of Minnesota) Nonlinear stability of critical pulled fronts Abstract |
28.05.2020 10:30 |
WebEx | Dan Hill Ph.D. (University of Surrey/ U.K.) 'Mountains out of Magnets' - Existence of Localised Radial Patterns on the Surface of a Ferrofluid Abstract |
14.05.2020 10:30 |
WebEx | Jichen Yang M.Sc. (Universität Bremen) The role of advection on the stability of stripes near planar Turing instability Abstract |
30.04.2020 10:15 |
WebEx | Prof. Guido Schneider (Universität Stuttgart) The monoatomic FPU system as a limit of a diatomic FPU system Abstract |
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
20.02.2020 10:30 |
8.526 | Dr. Björn de Rijk (Universität Stuttgart) Stability of invading fronts in pattern-forming systems with a quenching mechanism Part 2 |
07.02.2020 10:00 |
8.526 | Apl. Prof. Dr. Wolf-Patrick Düll (Universität Stuttgart) Validity of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Approximation for the Two-Dimensional Water Wave Problem With and Without Surface Tension |
30.01.2020 10:30 |
8.526 | Bastian Hilder M.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) Nonlinear stability of invading fronts in pattern-forming systems |
23.01.2020 10:30 |
8.526 | Dr. Björn de Rijk (Universität Stuttgart) Stability of invading fronts in pattern-forming systems with a quenching mechanism Part 1 |
16.01.2020 10:00 |
8.526 | Dr. Dominic Scheider(KIT Karlsruhe) How to construct Breather Solutions Using Nonlinear Helmholtz Systems Abstract |
09.01.2020 12:45 |
8.526 | Prof. Dr. Dirk Blömker (Universität Augsburg) Modulation Equations for SPDEs on unbounded domains Abstract |
05.12.2019 10:30 |
8.526 | Maximilian Klumpp M.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) Modellierung von Laserabschattung beim Schmelzschneiden |
14.11.2019 10:30 |
8.526 | Prof. Guido Schneider (Universität Stuttgart) Interchanging space and time in nonlinear optics and the dispersion management equation |
07.11.2019 10:30 |
8.526 | Max Heß M.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) Interchanging space and time in nonlinear optics and the dispersion management equation |
16.09.2019 10:30 | 8.122 | Prof. Reika Fukuizumi (Graduate School of Information Sciences Tohoku University) Temperature effects and long time behaviour of Gross-Pitaevskii equation Abstract |
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
25.06.2019 13:00 | 8.526 | Daniela Maier M.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) Nonlinear phenomena on discrete and metric necklace graphs |
28.05.2019 13:00 |
8.526 | Bastian Hilder M.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) Nonlinear stability of fast traveling fronts in a Ginzburg-Laudau equation with additional conservation law |
07.05.2019 13:00 |
8.526 | Tobias Haas M.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) Amplitude Equations for Boussinesq and Ginzburg-Landau-like Models |
02.05.2019 10:00 |
8.526 | Apl. Prof. Wolf-Patrick Düll (Universität Stuttgart) Validity of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Approximation for the Two-Dimensional Water Wave Problem With and Without Surface Tension in the Arc Length Formulation |
25.04.2019 10:00 |
8.526 | Prof. Guido Schneider (Universität Stuttgart) A non-approximation result |
18.04.2018 10:30 |
8.526 | JProf. Xian Liao (KIT Karlsruhe) Conserved energies for the one dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation Abstract |
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
08.02.2018 10:30 |
8.526 | Prof. Christian Kühn (Technische Universität München) Dynamics of Stochastic Reaction-Diffusion Equations Abstract |
01.02 2019 10:30 |
8.526 | Dr. Timothy Faver (Universiteit Leiden) Nanopteron Traveling Waves in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou Lattices Abstract |
07.12.2018 11:00 |
8.526 | Dr. Birgit Schörkhuber (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Singularity formation in supercritical wave equations Abstract |
30.11.2018 10:30 |
8.526 | Dr. Frits Veerman (Universität Heidelberg) Defects in bilayer interfaces in the multi-component functionalised Cahn-Hilliard equation Abstract |
23.11.2018 10:30 |
8.526 | Prof. Guido Schneider (Universität Stuttgart) Validity and Failure of amplitude equations |
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
20.07.2018 10:30 |
8.122 | Prof. Edgar Knobloch (University of California at Berkeley) Asymptotic techniques for flows with strong restraints: rapidly rotating convectio Abstract |
20.07.2018 11:30 |
8.122 | Dr. Ryan Goh (Boston University) Vortices in stably-stratified rapidly rotating Boussinesq convection Abstract |
06.07.2019 11:00 |
8.526 | Prof. Ziad Musslimani(Florida State University) Reverse space-time nonlocal NLS equation: Integrability, singularity formation and dynamics Abstract |
02.07.2018 10:00 |
7.527 | Dr. Björn de Rijk (Universität Stuttgart) Spatial and temporal oscilations due to different group velocities in nonlinear diffusive systems |
29.06.2018 11:00 |
8.526 | Tobias Haas (Universität Stuttgart) Comment on the Space-Time Resonances Approach and Normal Form Transforms Abstract |
18.05.2018 11:00 |
8.526 | Prof. Guido Schneider (Universität Stuttgart) Singular perturbations and normal form transformations |
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
22.02.2018 10:00 |
8.526 | Paul Carter, PhD (University of Arizona) "Traveling waves in multiple timescale reaction-diffusion systems |
09.11.2017 9.45 |
8.526 | Prof. Li Chen (Universität Mannheim) Analysis on Keller-Segel models in Chemotaxis |
27.10.2017 10.15 |
8.526 | Dr. Rainer Mandel (KIT) Nonlinear Helmholtz equations in the radial or periodic setting |
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
24.07.2017 13:15 |
8.526 | Dr. Ashish Bhat (Universität Stuttgart) Structure-preserving numerical integration of DEs with conformal invariants |
17.07.2017 13:15 |
8.526 | Hyeonjeong Kim (Universität Heidelberg) PDEs and Analysis for Fluid Dynamics |
03.07.2017 13:15 |
8.526 | Prof. Roland Schnaubelt (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Stable foliations near a traveling front for reaction diffusion systems |
26.07.2017 13:15 |
8.526 | Prof. Christian Klein (Université de Bourgogne) Dispersive shocks and blow-up |
08.05.2017 13:00 |
8.526 | Dr. Vu Hoang (Rice University) Singularity formation for one-dimensional active scalar equations |
03.04.2017 12:30 |
8.526 | Ryan Goh, PhD (Boston University) Oblique stripes in a triggered Swift-Hohenberg equation |
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
22.06.2016 14:00 |
4.331 | Prof. Ziad Musslimani (Florida State University) Iverse scattering transform for the integrable nonlocal nonlinear Schrödinger equation |
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
13.11.2015 11:30 |
8.526 | Björn de Rijk (Universiteit Leiden) Factorization of the Evans function via the Riccati transformation |
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
14.07.2015 15:00 |
8.122 | Prof. Dmitry Pelinovsky (McMaster University, Ontario) Standing waves on the tadpole graph |
14.07.2015 14:00 |
8.122 | Prof. Martina Chirilus-Bruckner (Leiden University) Invariant manifold theory, modulation equations and their cousins - the pursuit of reducing the complexity of mathematical models |
29.06.2015 | 8.526 | Dr. Matthias Winter (Brunel University London) Existence and Stability of Spike Clusters for Reaction-Diffusion Systems |
22.06.2015 | 8.526 | Dr. Christopher Chong (ETH Zürich) |
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
02.07.2014 | 8.526 | Jun.-Prof Marc-Andre Keip (Stuttgart) A phase-field model for nematic liquid crystal elastomers: continuum mechanical description and finite element implementation |
05.05.2014 | 8.526 | Prof. em. Wolfgang Wendland (Stuttgart) |
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
04.11.2013 | 8.526 | Daniel Wetzel (Oldenburg) pde2path and localized Turing patterns in 2D reaction-diffusion systems |
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
4 July 2013 | 8.526 | Prof. C. Eugene Wayne (Boston) Metastability and the Navier-Stokes equations |
26 June 2013 | 8.526 | Prof. Juhi Jang (Riverside) Stability theory of polytropic gaseous stars |
18 June 2013 | 8.526 | Dr. Christopher Chong (Massachusetts) Localization in Nonlinear Coupled Oscillators: Analysis, Computation, and Experiment |
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
08.03.2013 | 8.526 | Prof. Thomas J. Bridges (University of Surrey) How modulation generates geometry in the theory of nonlinear waves |
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
03.07.2012 | 8.526 | Prof. Kevin Zumbrun (Indiana University) Stability of roll waves in inclined thin film flow |
03.07.2012 | 8.526 | Dr. Christopher Chong (Massachusetts) Dark breathers in granular crystals |
Date | Room | Speaker/Title |
29.02.2012 | 8.526 | Dr. Tiphaine Jezequel (Université de Nantes) Dark breathers in granular crystals |