Workshop on spatial dynamics and related approaches

Lehrstuhl für Analysis und Modellierung

September 5-7, 2022 at the University of Stuttgart

Participants of the workshop
Participants of the workshop

From September 5 to September 7 the workshop "Spatial Dynamics" took place at the University of Stuttgart, which has been a center of spatial dynamics for several decades due to pivotal research of Prof. Klaus Kirchgässner and collaborators conducted there.

The workshop attracted 39 researchers applying spatial dynamics or related approaches. After 3 more general overview lectures by experts in the field, there were 17 specialized talks, portraying the ongoing development of spatial dynamics and stressing its importance in ongoing research. Moreover, the workshop provided a platform for early-career researchers to get acquainted with spatial dynamics and its recent advances. Eight of them presented their own work in a poster session.

Aim of the workshop

The goal of the workshop is twofold. On the one hand, we aim to bring together experts in the field employing spatial dynamics or related approaches. On the other hand, the workshop is an opportunity for early-career researchers to get acquainted with recent advances and to present their own work through contributed talks or by participating in the poster session.

Poster (PDF)

The workshop will take place from Monday, September 5, 9:00 until Wednesday, September 7, 13:00.

The program of the workshop encompasses plenary lectures, in which the speakers provide an overview on spatial dynamics and related methods and sketch the relationship to their current research. Envisioned topics are discrete and continuous spatial dynamics, center manifold theory, fluids and Hamiltonian spatial dynamics, localized waves and coherent structures, variational methods, lattice dynamical systems and differential equations of mixed type. In addition, there will be a limited number of slots for contributed talks of about 30 minutes each and a poster session.

Note that the workshop is held the week after the SIAM NWCS 2022 in Bremen.


Program Schedule

We are accepting submissions for poster presentations and for a limited number of contributed talks. To apply for a contributed talk or a poster presentation, please send an e-mail with title and abstract to Björn de Rijk. The deadline for submissions for contributed talks is June 1, 2022.

Organizers are Guido Schneider and Björn de Rijk. The workshop is organized in corporation with CRC 1173 "wave phenomena: analysis and numerics" at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, contact is Wolfgang Reichel.

Stuttgart City

The workshop will be held at the University of Stuttgart, Campus Vaihingen
in building NWZ II - Pfaffenwaldring 57, on the 8h floor room 8.122.

University of Stuttgart
Department of Mathematics
Pfaffenwaldring 57
70569 Stuttgart-Vaihingen

How to reach the University Campus Vaihingen:
The S-Bahn is undergoing construction works and the station "University" is closed.

From Stuttgart Main Station:
There is a bus shuttle between Stuttgart Main Station and the university campus Stuttgart-Vaihingen every 5 minutes: No."SEV1" - the trip takes about 30 minutes.   From here you can walk to the Römerhof in about 8 minutes. Ticket for 1 zone.

From Stuttgart Airport:
The S23 from the airport is running every 30 minutes. The train will terminate at station "Stuttgart-Vaihingen". Here you can take the bus "82 Waldeck" or "SEV 2" to reach the university campus. The trip takes 30 minutes, ticket for 2 zones.

Or take bus "X60" at the airport to university campus Stuttgart-Vaihingen - this takes about 20 minutes, the bus is running once an hour. Ticket for 2 zones.

Link to webpage public transport


Welcome to Stuttgart - sights and informtion

If you need help with the booking of accomodation please feel free to contact Katja Stefanie Engstler.

There are limited funds for lodging available for early-career researchers on a first-come, first-served basis. To apply for these funds, please write a short motivation letter before July 1, 2022 to Katja Stefanie Engstler providing rational for your request and explaining your interest in attending the workshop. Please also include your academic CV.

Dieses Bild zeigt Katja Stefanie Engstler

Katja Stefanie Engstler

Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (FH)

Insitutsverwaltung IADM, Lehrstuhl für Analysis und Modellierung und Abteilung für Analysis

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